quarta-feira, dezembro 06, 2006

Charismatic Nonsense

Look up. Higher. What do you see?
Really? Now look closer...
Didn't catch it yet?
No problem!I don't really care...
Surely it's not me...

What about lights and pain
Hot coffee and rain
White clothes and a stain
Running in circles and a strain
There's nothing here to gain
Everything effortlessly stays the same
Please, let me quit this game!!!

Damn I'm tired
Anybody wants a new life?
Me. Me! I'm right here
What have I got to do?
To make my life move on through
Adversity, and mostly you
Negativity in the sky so blue
Anxiety in lips apparently true
Mistakes deciding what to do
A major theoretical philosophical breakthrough
Metaphorical, political, distinctive, critical
Still I'm not suicidal nor masoquistic
Not even close of sadistic, far away from fantastic
I'm just a guy facing a mirror
Agonizing in terror
Bringing mostly horror
Insisting on an error

Does that hurt???
Yes indeed you know it does
But still you hit me even stronger
You make my heart beat louder
And you take away all the suspense
From this charismatic nonsense...

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

no teu melhor sem dúvida. gostei das ideias mais abstratas q o teu habitual. Ah! segunda estrofe? so damn right. beijo

Anónimo disse...

no teu melhor sem dúvida. gostei das ideias mais abstratas q o teu habitual. Ah! segunda estrofe? so damn right. beijo

Anónimo disse...

bem...deixa qualquer um sem palavras...
Adorei!Fiquei fã!!

Anónimo disse...

tá muito bom.. mesmo.. o que não é de estranhar.. ;)